Friday, April 20, 2012

winning spaghetti sticks

One two, buckle my shoe....three four, shut the door....
five six, pick up spaghetti sticks?

Heather and I try to spend Sunday nights together, for sister time. We don't usually cook our blog recipes together on this night, but this weekend we changed things up a bit. "Ok, this seriously is the weirdest thing ever," I said to Heather. I just couldn't believe the way we had to cook the pasta. Break it up in pieces, and just throw the raw, uncooked pasta in a pot with just garlic and oil. The pasta was supposed to get brown, which it did, but it looked more like it was just burning. "This can't be right," I thought to myself.  Meanwhile, Heather had a wooden spoon and attempted to poke at the spaghetti to break it up in smaller pieces. "Hmm...I think we should have used a bigger pot," she said. We literally then had sticks of uncooked, brown spaghetti flying onto the stove, under the burner, and on the floor! I don't think Heather usually has too many disastrous things occur when she's making recipes on her own. Put me in her kitchen and, well, something is bound to happen. Despite having to pick up some sticks of pasta, we continued to cook the meal as the recipe directed and it turned out just the way it should. Spicy, chipotle flavored, cooked pasta, loaded with cheesy goodness! This is a winner!


  1. You always make me laugh!!! I have tears in my eyes after reading this post:-)

  2. Wow!! New art!! I love it:-)


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