Saturday, February 26, 2011

Simple Little Dip

I like when recipes come easily, or when I don't have to be overwhelmed or worried that I will mess one up. Our "White Bean Dip" recipe for this week required basically three ingredients (minus the rosemary, which we both agreed we would do without). I think it actually took me less than 10 minutes to make this dip. But, just because it was so simple, does not mean that something dramatic didn't happen. Come on, this is me we're talking about! Heather told me I should get some sort of hearty bread to spread my dip on, so that's just what I did. After I made the dip, I stuck a couple pieces of my hearty Stop & Shop bread into the toaster oven and was excited to try the dip on some toasty little pieces. I'll get right to the point and tell you that I sometimes get too easily distracted. So distracted that....."Oh no! My bread!" Well, better VERY crispy than soggy, right?

I'll be honest and tell you that I wasn't too thrilled with this dip. The lack of ingredients resulted in a lack of flavor. It was like a wierd, not-so-favorable hummus. I like hummus much better. But, at least the simple ingredients inspired some colorful artwork!


  1. I can see those wonderful white beans in your artwork!! No doubt the added color will inspire some additions to your dip. Be creative! Throw in a little salsa or spicy diced tomatoes, and who knows? You might have a winner!! Meanwhile, I like the way your moments in the kitchen bring such wonderful artistic touches to your world:-)

  2. Trader Joe's Red Wine Vinegar! Whoop Whoop!


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